We try. Seeking… always. Ripperside Shawn and I stand in more empty pools in one month than most people swim in during a lifetime. It is this thing we do. A few weekends ago, we checked over forty pool locations. We ended up with a half dozen possibles, a few permissions and drained one on the spot. As the sun declined in the sky and the December air grew cold, we rolled up the pool hoses and bid the homeowner farewell. “See you tomorrow.” A fresh new Blue Haven Rossmore kidney was ready for the next day. We would be riding with a crew of heavies.
This particular pool had a large loveseat on the left wall and the loveseat, deathbox and light were all set up to the left side. It was a Trifecta of pain. The next day dawned early. I was in the neighborhoods at first light. Once the crew arrived, everyone gave that Blue Haven a real beating. The bottom has some difficult belly in the wall and the wall fell away beside the loveseat. It made it a bitch for bargaining. Looks can be quite deceiving.
Lance, Salba, Willis and me
Willis Kimbel
Willis Kimbel, Salba, Shawn and Lance
Dan Rogers
Lance Mountain
After awhile, we moved on to other pools and left the Blue Haven as we found it. She waits for us still… Don’t worry, we are already out there looking. Try again. Thank you to the crew and Arto Saari for the images. Skate - Ozzie