Ozzie Ausband


Angelo, Jay Smith, Lester, Slade, Ferry, Orton, Jay Adams, Gray and Jerry Valdez

Recently, a crew of heavies got together and rode with Angelo. Rippers. Every single one. The years of pool riding experience on that deck, on that day…  it was pretty incredible. Longevity is a pretty awesome thing. It teaches you about people and life. Hopefully, it makes you a better person. Most of the things that I learned that were worth knowing… I learned after I was 35 years old. Funny how that works. Patience. Kindness. I learned that I am not the center of life’s vortex. I learned that all life does not revolve around me…  These guys are a collective. They are an example. Longevity. Brotherhood. Thanks to William Sharp for the image. Skate- Ozzie