Ozzie Ausband


Mitchell- deathbox

Mitchell- deathbox

I have a great deal to be thankful for. I talk about being in gratitude often. It is true. I am in gratitude. My life was a full toilet bowl and I was choking on it. I found all sorts of things to bring me to my knees. I suppose we all do from time to time. Happily, I am no longer wallowing in it. Sober and stoked. Thanksgiving day, I went with Melanie and we went hiking in Los Angeles. I love being here. I don’t like the traffic but there are too many benefits, especially if one skates pools. We climbed higher and higher up the hillsides. People were out walking dogs and completing a pre-Thanksgiving feast exercise regimen. I had to agree. If I was going to stuff myself silly with turkey and everything else, a healthy hill climb wouldn’t hurt. Arriving at the top of a hill, I turned and scanned the properties below. The city loomed in the distance. It was unusually warm. Pools reflected back the sunlight.


Virtually every yard had a pool. Close to the bottom of a nearby hill, I saw plaster and tiles. “Whoa!” I stopped, craned my neck and took a closer look. “Oh yeah…” Melanie took me by after our hike and the house proved empty. The pool sat dry as well. I took a photograph and told a few friends. I posted it up. Viva Emptiness.

outpost 2

My phone started vibrating. It seems that my friends had been hip to this one for quite a few months. They had found it, they had skated it and they were thankful. I hope everyone had a great holiday. Thank you to Arto Saari for the images. Skate and be thankful- Ozzie

