Ozzie Ausband

holding it down

Ripperside Shawn

Ripperside Shawn

Riverside. A rich history. There have always been a hardcore group of amazing skateboarders in this area. Mike Coco, Tim Trudell, John Torchia, Ripperside Shawn, Mike Lopez, Ed, Kevin and others. There are an entire group of younger guys that still look for pools and skate everyday. Holding it down. They learn from their elders. Passed along. Folklore. Pools are ridden generationally. There are pools that were sessioned in the mid 1980’s and they are still being ridden and maintained to this day.

Blake Shepard

Blake Shepard

Ed Ancheta

Ed Ancheta



Mike Lopez

Mike Lopez

The old ways die hard. People see what we go through to skate pools and they think we are all insane. Filthy water, slimy condoms, dog crap, trash, syringes… the detritus of human existence. “Crazy!”  Our response- “Look around and show us a comparable pleasure in your sane world.” It doesn’t exist. We would rather be like us, than be like them. The hunt continues in Riverside. Sometimes an old favorite is needed. Like an aging family photograph, it is pulled out of a lonely cupboard drawer, dusted off and pondered over. Yesterday was one such day. Holding it down. Beautiful. Skate- Ozzie